Monday 5 January 2015

How to conquer your competitors using Twitter

 The heights of twitter

A tip to tweet is a trick to tick up your sales. With twitter you do not have to tweak or twist, out of weakness of despair, but use tweets to conjure all tips and conquer your competitor with much strength. It’s not just the tongue twister to turn you into an avid twitter user, but a tip to win more customers over your competitors. Competitive advantages in businesses today have largely been pinned on company image in the social media. Superior businesses have been seen to be dominating social media through advertisements masked as promotions.
Other companies use twitter and Facebook to engage customers in conversations about the services and products they offer. Such marketing strategies remarkably win over 400 million followers on twitter within a short span of time. Many customers are always attracted to conversations that solve their needs or wishes. Why not take advantage of this platform and gain more customers even if it means getting some from your competitors? But wait! The competition is tough lest you are ready to see your company roughed up a bit. There are many ways and tips today to conquer your competitors using social media especially if you use twitter.
As the name goes ‘social’ is all about being interactive with your customers and potential clients with a view of winning them over and over again. Today’s trends show businesses to be getting more clients through twitter. If you are thinking of the same, your competitor already has a twitter handle. Therefore you need unique competitive advantages to win more customers whether your business is a B2B or SMB. But to win over your competitors on twitter is not all about tweeting your products and services rather adapting and adopting to new tricks, tips and online marketing strategies. Here are some of the tips to conquer your competitors using Twitter. 

Responsive to trends

Twitter always highlights trending items and how they change in the market. This is normally represented by hash tags like #TheNewPhone once you monitor news and trends you become aware of competitors mentions. To highlight your company try to tweet about the news or trend. Then in a fast and responsive way give answers to shade insight or just to interact with interested parties. This always highlights your active participation in your market. Like in most times, you will be lucky to win the confidence of many clients. At the same time you will be able to access competitors participation in the same topic thus access to the same clients too.
Today, twitter has become even trendier because it enables users to configure their account in a way that profiles their endeavors. You can use this feature to create a very good profile page that is attractive and informs your followers or twitter users about your business. Always ensure your twitter profile page is accessible to the public. Check your competitor’s page too to make sure you have an attractive page that warmly welcomes new followers. For instance, instead of just showing your services you can also profile that you take any kind of questions regarding the products of your field. This will open the door to interact with more customers and widen your market, eventually increasing sales.

Create a unique voice carrying a friendly face

You can even begin with friendly chats like the kind of food they like or the worst burger they have ever eaten. But always find a way to ultimately direct the conversation to business. Seek to be that voice in social media that replies to consumers and engages in friendly conversations that yield some connections with customers. Instead of filling your twitter page with updates about you and your business location or company products try to uniquely repost in a way that sounds like your brand is meant to satisfy the consumer. Identify customer’s interests and post your tweets to excitingly show that your products meet their tastes as per their wish. You can borrow a leaf from Apple inc. who posts to show that the iPhone can play all the songs you want via iTunes then give an example of a popular song. At the same time, have a friendly face by always being happy while giving solutions to customer problems. Show that you are a friend and not just a company name. Eventually try to increase your interactions with customers while your competitors might be struggling to reinvent tweets about what they are saying rather than focusing on who to speak with. 

Target competitors’ audience by username

Just like your twitter handle, your competitors’ twitter username is an important element to help you target the right audience. Since you share the same market with your competitor, you can access her twitter Add platform by targeting keywords and hash tags that are linked to that username. You will be able to market yourself to many of competitors’ followers by entering her usernames.
Stalking in this endeavor is a perfect and legit competitive activity. Try to find out about your competitors through their username, subsequently assess their twitter page. Survey for marketing activities and adjust your marketing strategies a notch higher by doing better in what you see your competitor is doing average. You can also stalk to check any complains or praises on competitors’ page then seek to refine your problem solving skills on twitter. If you tackle customers’ complaints better then you will surely win even more customers. 

Take part in competitive conversations

Joke enticingly but competitively. Consider twitter to be a blog where every person or business speaks out their mind, but limited to very few characters. Strive to talk with users about events, product, and website reviews. This is a better way to maintain your presence and create a good impression with potential customers. Keep an eye on product praises and complains in conversations. Where users are positive and optimistic about a product, take the chance and follow them, probably they will be very interested. On the other hand, cautiously reply to complain while providing a solution in a way that favors their conversation. With easy and friendly replies, you can calm them down gradually and suggest they try out yours if you pointed out its difference in your conversation. For instance, if a user is frustrated with a mobile application in the Apple market store, suggest that your Android applications are free to download and use. If they detest the installed application, they can uninstall at no cost.
To find the most relevant conversations on twitter always use the search button to look for users tweeting about your line of product. Embracing these tips and tricks and employing them in your twitter marketing strategies will take you higher competitively and open the door to business success.